Integrated Data Analysis System
Team (13 in total):
Taveesin Sae Xu, Weihang Shao, Junxiang Ren, Kai Zhang, Xinyu Wang, Wandong Lin, Ke Chen, Xin Xin, Chuping Yi, Mengyu Xue, Weiqian Li, Junhe Piao, Xiaoke He
UI/UX designer
4 Weeks
Axure RP 10, Python, HTML
Fin was a 4-weeks summer project, an essential part of my major’s curriculum ("Design Studio in the Specialty Field"). The goal was to build a web-based integrated data analysis system. Our team had chosen, the largest online community for movie reviews in China, as the subject.
Design & Leadership
We formed into 4 smaller functional groups within the team, each leaded by a small group leader to complete a responsible task: web crawler, UI/UX design (include front-end programming), back-end programming, algorithm design, and the documentation group.
My role was a small group leader for UI/UX design, and also a member in the web crawler group.
I adopted 5-level UX Design Model as the mean of guidance and scheduling for the group.
5-level UX Design Model
Prior to everything else, as I was the only one who had experience in the UI design, I held a "small lecture" to ensure other group members had an idea of how things would be going to work. Several things had been achieved:
Presenting my previous UI design prototype
Introducing several fundamental concepts in UI/UX design
Sharing my own experience on how to get inspirations, how to design, and the difficulties that they might encounter
Introducing the usage of Axure RP 10 (an UX design tool), and sharing some learning materials
Document created for the "small lecture"
Strategy Level
The strategy level was to obtain and understand the user requirement. This had been done by the whole team when we were deciding on subject for our system.
The scope and structure levels were to decide the functional modules in our system. Based upon the research of the user requirement, we held up a meeting with all team members, and brainstormed the functional modules that should be included in our system, and the ways we could achieve them. On the meantime, I used the white board function on the online meeting to draw the low fidelity sketches.
Scope Level & Structure Level
Low fidelity sketches
I also created a use case diagram and activity diagram.
Use case diagram
Activity diagram
At the end of this level, I held a meeting within the UI group, several things had been discussed.
Settling the standard (ex. Page dimension, font size, font)
Settling the schedule and work division
Expounding of the use case diagram, activity diagram, and the low fidelity sketches
Skeleton Level
The skeleton layer was where the interaction design take place. The goal was to design a wireframe, which the layout and most of the interactions should be presented.
To monitor the progress, I held a daily group meeting at night, so all members can resolve questions together and discuss the hall of fame and hall of shame in each design
I also worked super closely with the web crawler group, back-end programming group, and the algorithm design group, because it was important for us to have a common knowledge about what kind of data were needed, what form were they in, and what way could they be expressed. Based on the communication, we had continuously to adjust the layouts and interactions.
Surface Level
The surface level was where the visual design take place. In order to have a consistence artistical style, I took four efforts:
Creating a mood board
Creating a cloud drive where all group members can store images or materials that could be helpful
Having one of interface fully decorated, so there was a sample for reference
Being in charge of all final adjustments
Mood board
Cloud drive for maaterials
Web Crawler - Python
Final achievement
Affective design - When entering the password, the man would put on a 3D glasses.
A label would indicate whether the field is entered correctly. As the label has a "X" or "√" instead of just pure color, it is also friendly for color blinders.
Register successfully
(Reminding the user of their password)
Main page
Movie detail page
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
I had intentionally to squeeze all analytical data in one screen. Because I hope the user could obtain all information at once, so that they don't need to scroll up and down.
Movie detail page
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
This is the bottom of the page; it gives recommendations for similar movie
Market analysis tab
Graphs are mostly in red tone. Because red is a complementary color of green, the graph could be more stand out to the user.
Market analysis tab
A sliding bar is very helpful and efficient in adjusting number in a small and fixed range.
Classification tab
Different groups of options are separated with color and boundary, as I believe it is more refreshing for the user when dealing with so many similar buttons.
Besides, there are 5 buttons that could travel the user to the 5 different graphs underneath.
Classification tab
Forecast tab
After the user had filling in the information of their movie, they can get a forecast rating of their movie based on machine learning
Forecast tab
Forecast tab
recommendation for similar movie